Saturday, December 26, 2009

sugar sugar how ya get so fly

I got this one in a recipe swap from Kate Kardosh, who I played ultimate with in Miami.  I tried it while I was at my aunt and cousin's house in England, with pear, and it was okay, but I think it will be better with berries and kiwi or something. Something more juicy.  I also made the cookie dough from scratch which was delicious, and I would definitely recommend that, as it's not too hard and tastes waaaay better.


easiest desert ever and it's so good.

2 pkgs. cream cheese
1 roll refrigerated sugar cookie dough
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. sugar (or to taste)
Pizza pan
Assorted fruit suggestions: Kiwi, strawberries, mandarin oranges,
bananas, black or blue berries

Spread cookie dough over pizza pan. Cook the crust as directed on
wrapper. In a bowl, microwave cream cheese until soft. Add vanilla and
sugar. Spread cream cheese mixture on top of cooled cookie. Cut and
lay fruit in circles. Serve immediately.

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