Wednesday, September 30, 2009

From the kitchen of Ms. Ansel

My friend Evie had a few of us over in her beautiful new apartment when I was in Providence a few weeks ago. The soup she served was delicous, but so was the apartment. I can only hope that making the soup out of context will taste just as good. These are the words of the cook herself:


1 box of chicken broth
1 big container of plain yogurt
a bunch of garlic
a couple cucumbers

Peel & chop cucumbers into little triangles. Cover them with salt, liberally, and let them sit in a strainer for a while (you're trying to make them crispy). While you let those sit, mix the yogurt and chicken broth. Press a couple of cloves of garlic into the yogurt/chicken broth mix. Take about a quarter cup of walnuts and break them up with ya fingas, and put into the yogurt concoction. After the cucumbers've had a chance to sit for a while, rinse them off pretty well, and add them to the soup too. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy with a big dollop o' Evie lovin.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, sweet Lindsayloo, I am quite flattered :]
    I will certainly be checking up on you here. An excellent way to keep in touch!
